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Reality Riffing with Guru Jagat

Jan 15, 2018

Erica Chidi Cohen, co-founder and CEO of LOOM, is birth + postpartum doula and author of Nuture, a modern guide to pregnancy, birth and early motherhood. In this episode, Erica & Guru Jagat discuss: Introverted leadership Down + dirty self-care rituals The creative process Ancestral trauma + women in the workplace...

Judgement Free Birth + Non-Birth, Feminine Leadership and Aggressive Self-Care — Erica Chidi Cohen

Jan 15, 2018

Erica Chidi Cohen, co-founder and CEO of LOOM, is birth + postpartum doula and author of Nuture, a modern guide to pregnancy, birth and early motherhood. In this episode, Erica & Guru Jagat discuss: Introverted leadership Down + dirty self-care rituals The creative process Ancestral trauma + women in the workplace...

2018—The Year Of Infinite Possibilities With Remington Donovan

Jan 5, 2018

Master Numerologist Remington Donovan has a fresh, mystical perspective to share in the conversation about 2018 and using the energy of the "11 Year" to create infinite possibilities. What you say, you create — with the expansive energy of 11, you can literally speak your reality into existence.

Jan 5, 2018

Master Numerologist Remington Donovan has a fresh, mystical perspective to share in the conversation about 2018 and using the energy of the "11 Year" to create infinite possibilities. What you say, you create — with the expansive energy of 11, you can literally speak your reality into existence.

Kaypacha: Your Astrological Forecast For 2018

Jan 3, 2018

Kaypacha is an astrology expert with more than 40 years of experience. He’s very well known for hosting “The Pele Report,” a weekly astrological forecast on YouTube. Join Kaypacha and Guru Jagat for an entertaining look at the celestial happenings this year and how best to navigate them.