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Reality Riffing with Guru Jagat

Jun 15, 2020

Guru Jagat’s latest guest, Kerry Connelly, talks to Jesus, sees angels and has been asking a very unique question: how can a person of caucasian descent liberate from white supremacy? From Kerry’s perspective, white supremacy is an embedded psyche and constructed to be invisible to those involved in it. In...

Jun 8, 2020

We need as many entry ways as possible. In this Reality Riffing, Guru Jagat and her guest Maja D’Aoust, aka Witch of the Dawn, talk psycho-naughts, time-space portals, divination, knowing your business, respect for the alchemical and so much more. Maja is a publicly practicing witch, educator and author. Tune in for...

Jun 1, 2020

What is the algorithm of time, space and emergent reality? In this macro league interview with Carl Johan Calleman, PhD and leading Mayan calendar keeper, Guru Jagat and Carl take a razors edge look at the mathematics of time computed by the Mayans. Per Carl, the Mayans kept time on a quantum scale, understanding...